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What is Gesso

Do you want to know what is Gesso? and how to use it for abstract Painting?

Are you ready to level up your painting game? 

Today, we’re going to talk about something super cool called gesso.

It might sound fancy, but don’t worry – by the end of this article, you’ll be a gesso expert!

What’s Gesso? 

Imagine you’re about to build an awesome sandcastle. Before you start, you need to smooth out the sand, right?

Well, gesso is kind of like that for painting. 

It’s a special coat you put on your canvas, wood, or paper before you start painting. 

Gesso is a white, paint-like substance that creates a smooth, even surface for your artwork.

Think of it as giving your surface a smooth, slightly rough jacket that helps your paint stick better and look brighter. Cool, right?

To know how to use gesso on canvas to create a smooth surface, read our article How to Prime a Canvas for Acrylic Painting.

Types of Gesso 

Just like how there are different flavors of ice cream, there are different types of gesso. 

Let’s check them out:

  1. Acrylic Gesso: This is the most common type, like vanilla ice cream in the art world. It dries super fast, which is great if you’re excited to start painting right away. The best part? If you make a mess, it cleans up easily with just soap and water. No need for fancy cleaning stuff!
  2. Oil-based Gesso: This is like the Rocky Road of gesso – a bit more complex. Some artists use this, especially if they’re painting with oil paints. It takes longer to dry, though, so you’ll need to be patient.
  3. White Gesso: This is what most people use. It’s like giving your canvas a bright, clean T-shirt to wear. It makes a white background that helps your colors look super vibrant and exciting!
  4. Black Gesso: Want to try something different? Black gesso is like the mysterious, cool kid of the gesso world. It can make your paintings look super dramatic and intense. Imagine painting bright colors on a black background – how awesome would that look?

How to Use Gesso 

How to Use Gesso - What is Gesso

Now that you know what gesso is, let’s learn how to use it. Don’t worry, it’s not rocket science!

  1. Clean your surface: Whether you’re using canvas, wood, or paper, make sure it’s clean. No dust bunnies allowed!
  2. Stir the gesso: Give that gesso a good mix. It’s like stirring your hot chocolate to make sure all the good stuff isn’t sitting at the bottom.
  3. Apply the first layer: Use a big, flat brush to spread a thin layer of gesso on your surface. Try to make it as even as you can, like you’re frosting a cake.
  4. Let it dry: This is the boring part, but it’s important. Let the gesso dry completely. It usually takes about an hour, but you can use this time to plan your awesome painting!
  5. Sand it (if you want): If you want your surface to be super smooth, you can lightly sand it with fine sandpaper. It’s like giving your canvas a little massage.
  6. Add more layers: Repeat steps 3-5 a couple more times. Two or three layers usually do the trick.
  7. Final drying: Once you’re happy with your layers, let everything dry thoroughly. Then, you’re ready to create your masterpiece!

You can learn more about Steps to Prime a Canvas for Acrylic Painting in this article.

Why Use Gesso? 

Why Use Gesso - What is Gesso

You might be thinking, “This sounds like a lot of work. Why should I bother?” 

Well, gesso does some pretty amazing things for your art:

  1. Super Stick Power: Gesso helps your paint stick better to the surface. It’s like giving your paint super glue powers, so it won’t peel off later.
  2. Tough as Nails: It makes your artwork tougher and more durable. Your paintings will be ready to stand the test of time!
  3. Color Boost: Gesso makes your colors look brighter and more vibrant. It’s like turning up the volume on your painting’s colors.
  4. Experiment Central: With gesso, you can experiment more without worrying about messing up your canvas. Made a mistake? No problem! You can easily paint over it.
  5. Paint Saver: It stops your paint from soaking into the canvas. This means you use less paint, which is great for your wallet and the environment!
  6. Smooth Operator: Gesso can make your surface smoother, which can be really nice to paint on.
  7. Texture Play: You can also use gesso to create interesting textures. Try applying it with a sponge or palette knife for some cool effects!

Some Questions You Might Have Now, let’s answer some questions you might be wondering about:

Can I use gesso on anything? 

Pretty much! You can use it on canvas, wood, paper, and even glass. It’s like a superhero that works on almost any surface.

How many layers of gesso should I use? 

Usually, two or three layers work great. But you can experiment and see what you like best.

Do I have to sand between layers? 

You don’t have to, but it can make your surface extra smooth if you want. It’s like the difference between regular paper and super smooth paper.

Can I paint right on top of gesso? 

Absolutely! Once it’s dry, you’re good to go. It’s like gesso is giving you a big thumbs up to start painting.

Does gesso go bad? 

If you keep it in a closed container, it can last for years. It’s like the canned food of the art world!

Can I mix gesso with paint? 

Sure! You can mix it with acrylic paint to make colored gesso. It’s like creating your own custom paint primer.

Is gesso only for abstract painting? 

Not at all! While it’s great for abstract art, you can use gesso for any kind of painting. It’s a jack-of-all-trades in the art world.

Fun Ways to Use Gesso 

Abstract Painting - what is gesso

Now that you know the basics, here are some cool ways to use gesso in your art:

  1. Textured Backgrounds: Try applying gesso with a sponge or old credit card to create interesting textures.
  2. Mixed Media Magic: Use gesso to prep surfaces for mixed media art. It works great with collage, too!
  3. Tinted Gesso: Mix a little acrylic paint with your gesso to create a colored ground for your painting.
  4. Gesso Resist: Apply gesso in patterns, let it dry, then paint over it. The paint will resist where the gesso is, creating cool effects.
  5. Layered Look: Apply multiple layers of gesso, sanding between each for an ultra-smooth finish.

Wrapping It Up 

Gesso might seem like a small thing, but it can make a big difference in your art.

It’s like a secret weapon that can help your paintings look better and last longer. Plus, it gives you more freedom to experiment and try new things.

Remember, art is all about having fun and expressing yourself. Gesso is just another tool in your artistic toolbox. Why not give it a try? 

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

You might be surprised at how much it can improve your art.

So go ahead, grab some gesso, and start prepping those canvases. 

Your next masterpiece is waiting to happen.

Who knows? Maybe one day your gesso-prepped paintings will be hanging in a fancy art gallery. 

Dream big and paint bigger!

Happy Painting.